
BibelWort in Bewegung – A mixture of bibliologue and bibliodrama

11.08.2025, 09:30 to 13.08.2025, 15:30
Nadia Rudolf von Rohr (Head of the Franciscan Community of German-speaking Switzerland)
Propstei Wislikofen
450 CHF plus board 305 CHF single room/board plus visitor’s tax 3 CHF per person and night 

Nadia Rudolf from Rohr


It was developed experimentally at the Wislikofer School for Bibliodrama and Pastoral Care.
The BibleWord in Motion is suitable as a varied and at the same time condensing element in working with groups, in liturgy, catechesis and religious education.

The participants take on a role in BibleWord in Motion and enter a spiritual space together. The biblical text becomes alive and existentially meaningful. Biblical texts can be experienced as a living, encouraging and healing word.
The Bible Word in Motion is a more low-threshold and structured instrument for communicating faith than the open bibliodrama. It is suitable for different target groups such as children, young people, adults and senior citizens.

– Experience BibleWord in Motion first-hand
– Get to know text development and room layout as preparatory steps
– Recognize the opportunities of BibleWord in Motion for your own pastoral practice
– Try out initial applications

Target group
Women and men who work full-time or part-time with people in a religious context.

Further information/registration: Theologisch-pastorales Bildungsinstitut TBI, Pfingstweidstrasse 28, 8005 Zurich
044 525 05 40,


Course registration